Lorry Walker: We hope that Belarus would consider options for participation in NATO's peacekeeping missions

NATO hopes that Belarus maybe would consider options for future participation in the UN/NATO peacekeeping missions. This was stated by the representatives of the Nato at a seminar on the NATO's International Security Role organized with the support of the Foreign Policy and Security Research Center in Minsk on 10 december, 2009.

Positive trend in the development of bilateral relations was noted by the representative at the NATO Headquarters in Minsk.

Lorry Walker, an official of the Nato division of political affairs and security policy:
Each year a group of representatives of NATO comes in Belarus. We are search for common ground in cooperation. We hope  that Belarus maybe would consider options for future participation in the UN/NATO peacekeeping missions. We are working with representatives of the Belarusian Armed Forces, so that  they know about our procedures, our strategy.
We also have a program of individual partnership with Belarus. It contains up to 100 points of interaction.

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