Zinovsky: Belarus has internal reserves for economic development

Vladimir Zinovsky

Vladimir Zinovsky

MINSK, 4 March (BelTA) - Belarus has internal reserves for economic development, Belarus' Economy Minister Vladimir Zinovsky said in an interview to the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“We are talking about a crisis all the time, but the European community continues developing, their GDP is growing. At the same time sanctions against Russia affects our economy. We see, however, that we have reserves which we can use to rectify the situation and get economic growth,” said Vladimir Zinovsky.

According to the minister, there are problems in the economy, but “we can address them”.

Vladimir Zinovsky added that a program for the country's five-year development is currently being developed. The task is to get 12% in GDP. “The main thing for companies is to operate and for people is to get decent salaries. We develop as any other country. This gradual advancement will bring success,” the minister is confident.

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source: http://eng.belta.by/economics/view/zinovsky-belarus-has-internal-reserves-for-economic-development-89452-2016/
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