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Dialogue for security. The official site of non-governmental  association ]]> Foreign Policy and Security Research center ]]> (Minsk, Belarus)

Belarus Foreign Ministry considers punitive measures against certain politicians

The Foreign Ministry of Belarus may introduce targeted measures against individual politicians and structures that jeopardize the interests of Belarus, Andrei Savinykh, Press Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, told the Belarusian state TV channel ONT.

“If the situation unfolds to a negative scenario, we are ready to resort to targeted measures against politicians and structures who generate anti-Belarusian activities,” the spokesman said. He explained that counter-measures will make sense provided the situation requires that. “Now we are trying to prevent the EP’s calls from becoming the decisions of the EU Council. If our efforts bear fruit and common sense prevails in our partners, there might be no need for retaliatory measures,” he noted.

Andrei Savinykh emphasized that the examination of many issues requiring profound analysis starts long before an actual decision is made. All possible scenarios are thoroughly analyzed, while only one of them is adopted.

The official stance of the Foreign Ministry on the resolution of the European Parliament on Belarus has been made public already. “First of all, we stated that the EP’s approach contradicts good neighborliness principles. The Foreign Ministry will persist with its efforts to resume a constructive dialogue with European partners who want it,” Andrei Savinykh said.

In his words, sanctions fail to reach the desired result. “A great number of social groups, politicians and thinkers in Europe are fully aware of the futility of this option. This gives us reason to believe that the EP approaches will not find support among the European community,” the Foreign Ministry representative said.


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