
FOREIGN POLICY: Belarus-European Union, Belarus-IMF, Belarus- ]]> Russia, ]]> Belarus-Lithuania, Belarus-Poland, Belarus-Turkey
SECURITY: Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, Economic Crisis in Belarus, NATO and Belarus
TOPICS: death penalty in Belarus, Belarus and Eastern Partnership, Euronest, Belarus silent actions, Breivik in Belarus
PERSONS: Byalyatski (Bialacki, Bialiatski), Maira Mora, Аndrzej Poczobut, Carl Bildt

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Dialogue for security. The official site of non-governmental  association ]]> Foreign Policy and Security Research center ]]> (Minsk, Belarus)

United States Support NPP Construction in Belarus

U.S. supported Belarus's plans to build NPP, avoiding commenting on the site for its construction in Astravets. This was announced by the U.S. ambassador to Lithuania, Anne Elizabeth Derse, on June 28 in Vilnius.

"I want to clarify that the U.S. really stated about the nuclear power plant in Belarus. We express political support for countries such as Belarus and Lithuania, as well as any others, willing to diversify their energy sources and striving for energy security," said the diplomat, transfers DELFI.

According to her, peaceful nuclear energy is part of the security. "We did not express any views on the NPP site, we just said, any development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes must comply with international safety standards. This is especially important after what has recently happened in Japan," said Anne Elizabeth Derse.

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