
FOREIGN POLICY: Belarus-European Union, Belarus-IMF, Belarus-Russia, Belarus-Lithuania, Belarus-Poland, Belarus-Turkey
SECURITY: Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, Economic Crisis in Belarus, OSCE - Belarus, NATO and Belarus
TOPICS: death penalty in Belarus, Belarus and Eastern Partnership, Euronest, Belarus silent actions, Breivik in Belarus, Belarus in the Wikileaks
PERSONS: Lukashenka (Lukashenko), Byalyatski (Bialacki, Bialiatski, Beliatski), Bandarenka (Bondarenko), Maira Mora, Аndrzej Poczobut, Carl Bildt, Ferenc Kontra
ORGANISATIONS: Belneftekhim, BelAZ, Belomo, BelTechExport

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Dialogue for security. The official site of non-governmental  association ]]> Foreign Policy and Security Research center ]]> (Minsk, Belarus)

Foreign Ministry: UN Resolution on Belarus is politically motivated

The Belarusian side views the UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Belarus as groundless and politically motivated, Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Savinykh said when commenting the Resolution, BelTA has learned.

Belarus strongly condemns the adoption of the UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Belarus as it is ungrounded and politically motivated. This document is a product of prevailing in Brussels ungrounded and politically committed evaluations of the situation in Belarus aimed at presenting our country as a particular case of the human rights violations,” Andrei Savinykh stressed.

According to him, the absence of support of the Resolution from the majority of UN Human Rights Council member states proves that the document is not a reflection the international community’s opinion regarding the situation in Belarus. Thus the Resolution cannot be viewed as a trustworthy document.

“We are convinced that this Resolution undermines the principle of non-selective treatment of human rights cases and will have devastating impact on the UN Human Rights Council and the UN Human Rights bodies in general,” the commentary says.

Belarus fulfils and is going to fulfill its obligations in line with the international human rights documents. Belarus is in favor of an open, respectful and equal human rights dialogue without discrimination and double standards,” Andrei Savinykh added.

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