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Dialogue for security. The official site of non-governmental  association ]]> Foreign Policy and Security Research center ]]> (Minsk, Belarus)

Lukashenko: IMF may reject Belarus' loan request only on political grounds

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) may reject Belarus’ request for a stabilization loan only on politically motivated grounds, Alexander Lukashenko said at a news conference in Minsk on Friday.

“There are no grounds other than politics for denying us the loan,” Mr. Lukashenko said, noting that the European Union and the United States might block the request.

“We harbor no illusions,” said Mr. Lukashenko. “We have done in double measure what the IMF demands.”

There are no plans to sharply increase pay in the government-funded sector, he said, noting that a significant rise would spark inflation.

Belarushas also devalued the national currency, he said. “They proposed [a devaluation of] 25 percent, while we have slightly more than 50 percent.”

The Belarusian leader said that the government had also abolished “almost all" price controls. “Only after they began going beyond the limit, we filed them down a bit,” he noted.

As for the IMF’s demand that the Belarusian government should unify the country's multiple exchange rates and stop interfering in economic processes, Mr. Lukashenko said that the country needed the loan to comply.

He said that the IMF wanted him to act as a guarantor responsible for the fulfillment of promises made by the National Bank and the Council of Ministers, noting that he would consider the proposal. “If our government agrees, I will act as a guarantor. Why not?” he said.

The Council of Ministers and the National Bank of Belarus applied to the IMF for the stabilization loan on May 31. Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich told reporters the following day that Belarus was seeking to borrow $3.5 billion to $8 billion from the Fund.


Foreign Policy: Belarus-EU relations in Belarusian mass media

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The FPS Research Center is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. FPS focuses on the issues that matter most such as national security, international affairs, and more. As a nonpartisan organization, FPS operates independent of political and commercial pressures. We serve the public interest by helping lawmakers reach informed decisions on the nation's pressing challenges. Foreign Policy and Security Research Center has the capacity to implement scientific programs, to conduct sociological research, scientific conferences, seminars and lectures. We are open to cooperation with representatives of state agencies, research centers, political parties, international civil society organizations.


Foreign Policy and Security Research center created by leading Belarusian scientists, experts in the field of history, law, diplomacy in 2008 (Minsk, Belarus). Our spokepersons act as experts in the evaluation of current events in Belarus and abroad. The FPS Office of Media Relations helps members of the news media set up interviews with FPS experts, produces news releases to inform the media and public about FPS research and corporate news, and works with FPS researchers to produce op-eds for publication. The fastest way to get a response to a media interview or op-ed request is to email us.


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