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Dialogue for security. The official site of non-governmental  association Foreign Policy and Security Research center (Minsk, Belarus)

EBRD: No support to the Belarusian central authorities

In December 2009 the EBRD Board of Directors approved a ‘calibrated’ Strategy for Belarus, which enables the Bank to respond in a flexible way to developments in the country measured against clearly set out political and economic benchmarks.  In April 2011 the Board met to review the Bank’s operations and the country’s adherence to those benchmarks. 

Some progress was noted in the economic sphere, however, due to the negative political developments surrounding the December 2010 presidential election and the international community’s continuing concerns regarding treatment of the political opposition, civil society and independent media in Belarus, the EBRD’s Board of Directors has decided to “recalibrate” the Bank’s operational approach to Belarus within its existing Strategy.

As a result of this recalibration, EBRD operations in Belarus will be confined to projects that meet the following criteria:

    * Developing the private sector: The Bank’s operations in Belarus will continue to give priority to the development of the private sector, including through deepening its lending programme for micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

    * Supporting the Belarusian people: The Bank’s operations will focus on projects that are shown to improve the living conditions of the Belarusian people.

    * No support to the Belarusian central authorities: No support, either financial or technical, will be extended to the Belarus central authorities or central state in any manner.

    * Improving environmental standards: The EBRD will engage in operations, in partnership with other reputable multilateral and bilateral donors, to improve the environment. The EBRD is also ready to support more efficient delivery of essential services to the population.

In accordance with this ‘recalibration’ of the Strategy for Belarus, the Bank will no longer consider investments in public sector projects in power or transport infrastructure, nor will it consider direct public sector engagement in the area of sustainable energy.  Other conditions – for example with regards to working with state-owned banks or in privatisation and pre-privatisation support – have also been tightened to remain in conformity with the criteria noted above.

The EBRD continues to urge the Belarusian authorities to make progress on the path of democratic and market-oriented reform, in accordance with its commitments under Article 1 of the Agreement Establishing the Bank. Policy dialogue with the authorities will continue to focus in these areas.  At the next review, in 2012, the EBRD Board will take stock of political and economic developments and will have an opportunity to consider again the appropriate calibration of the Bank’s Strategy.



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The FPS Research Center is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. FPS focuses on the issues that matter most such as national security, international affairs, and more. As a nonpartisan organization, FPS operates independent of political and commercial pressures. We serve the public interest by helping lawmakers reach informed decisions on the nation's pressing challenges. Foreign Policy and Security Research Center has the capacity to implement scientific programs, to conduct sociological research, scientific conferences, seminars and lectures. We are open to cooperation with representatives of state agencies, research centers, political parties, international civil society organizations.


Foreign Policy and Security Research center created by leading Belarusian scientists, experts in the field of history, law, diplomacy in 2008 (Minsk, Belarus). Our spokepersons act as experts in the evaluation of current events in Belarus and abroad. The FPS Office of Media Relations helps members of the news media set up interviews with FPS experts, produces news releases to inform the media and public about FPS research and corporate news, and works with FPS researchers to produce op-eds for publication. The fastest way to get a response to a media interview or op-ed request is to email us.


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