
FOREIGN POLICY: Belarus-European Union, Belarus-IMF, Belarus-Russia, Belarus-Lithuania, Belarus-Poland, Belarus-Turkey
SECURITY: Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, Economic Crisis in Belarus, OSCE - Belarus, NATO and Belarus
TOPICS: death penalty in Belarus, Belarus and Eastern Partnership, Euronest, Belarus silent actions, Breivik in Belarus, Belarus in the Wikileaks
PERSONS: Lukashenka (Lukashenko), Byalyatski (Bialacki, Bialiatski, Beliatski), Bandarenka (Bondarenko), Maira Mora, Аndrzej Poczobut, Carl Bildt, Ferenc Kontra
ORGANISATIONS: Belneftekhim, BelAZ, Belomo, BelTechExport

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Dialogue for security. The official site of non-governmental  association ]]> Foreign Policy and Security Research center ]]> (Minsk, Belarus)

Polish Defenders Ask to Release Bodies of Kovalev and Konovalov to their Relatives

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Poland calls upon the Belarusian authorities to immediately set a moratorium on executions, as well as to release bodies of Dmitri Kovalev and Vladislav Konovalov, executed for the attack in Minsk subway. According to the Polish defenders, it will be regarded as "an act of humanism and confession of human values."

Helsinki Committee in Poland is outraged by the fact that Belarus continues to carry out executions. In an open letter, chairman of the Fund Danuta Pszywara called on the authorities to review national legislation and to abandon the death penalty.

According to the Polish defenders, the fact that the date of execution and the place of burial were not disclosed, while their relatives were not given out the bodies for burial, is equal to intimidating or punishing families and relatives of the convicts.

"The Republic of Belarus has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its First Optional Protocol, as well as recognized the competence of the Committee on the UN Human Rights to receive and consider individual complaints of violation of civil rights. We emphasize that execution of Vladislav Kovalev, while his personal appeal is still under consideration by the Committee, is another violation of international obligations assumed by Belarus, which is extremely detrimental to the country's image," reads the statement of Helsinki Committee.

As Telegraf previously reported, March 17, relatives of Vladislav Kovalev ]]> received a letter ]]> from the Supreme Court of March 16, claiming that the sentence had been enforced. Later it was reported on the execution of Dmitri Konovalov.

Such a rapid execution of the sentence was ]]> denounced ]]> by representatives of several human rights organizations and European countries. Some of them have called for the tougher EU sanctions against the Belarusian authorities, who're "still neglecting the rights of their citizens."

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of Belarus refutes claims that the trial over the case of Minsk subway explosion was carried out hastily. According to deputy chairman of the Supreme Court of Belarus Valeri Kalinkovich, the guilt of convicted Dmitri Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev was ]]> indisputably proved ]]> , while the death sentence was enforced in compliance with all procedures.

External source of this news: http://telegraf.by/en/2012/03/polskie-pravozaschitniki-prosyat-vidat-rodstvennikam-tela-kovaleva-i-konovalova
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Foreign Policy and Security Research center created by leading Belarusian scientists, experts in the field of history, law, diplomacy in 2008 (Minsk, Belarus). Our spokepersons act as experts in the evaluation of current events in Belarus and abroad. The FPS Office of Media Relations helps members of the news media set up interviews with FPS experts, produces news releases to inform the media and public about FPS research and corporate news, and works with FPS researchers to produce op-eds for publication. The fastest way to get a response to a media interview or op-ed request is to email us.


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